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For starman worker -M FindBin --max-requests 50 --workers 2 --user=kohadev-koha --group kohadev-koha --pid /var/run/koha/kohadev/plack.pid --daemonize --access-log /var/log/koha/kohadev/plack.log --error-log /var/log/koha/kohadev/plack-error.log -E deployment --socket /var/run/koha/kohadev/plack.sock /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/plack.psgi
  Run on Fri Jan 8 14:31:06 2016
Reported on Fri Jan 8 14:31:35 2016

Filename(eval 161)[/usr/share/perl5/Text/MicroTemplate.pm:389]
StatementsExecuted 0 statements in 0s
Calls P F Exclusive
23523522853.8ms172msbase::::import base::import (recurses: max depth 3, inclusive time 104ms)
458110425.1ms25.1msSub::Name::::subname Sub::Name::subname (xsub)
5201119.0ms19.7msFile::Spec::Unix::::abs2rel File::Spec::Unix::abs2rel
7622718.2ms1.78sC4::Context::::preference C4::Context::preference
42217.7ms43.9msFile::Find::::find File::Find::find
11116.2ms35.0msC4::Languages::::getTranslatedLanguages C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages
7069616.0ms120msTry::Tiny::::try Try::Tiny::try
2741261215.2ms15.2msUNIVERSAL::::can UNIVERSAL::can (xsub)
122428728310.3ms10.3msstrict::::import strict::import
12062692659.46ms9.46mswarnings::::import warnings::import
981078.59ms8.59msDBI::st::::execute DBI::st::execute (xsub)
16991078.45ms8.45msnext::::method next::method
238116.90ms6.90msXML::SAX::Expat::::_handle_start XML::SAX::Expat::_handle_start
5830306.72ms8.73msB::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS::::__ANON__ B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS::__ANON__
155155756.46ms6.46msExporter::::import Exporter::import
205225.85ms5.85msDBI::db::::ping DBI::db::ping (xsub)
96539245.61ms5.61msstrict::::unimport strict::unimport
873965.50ms6.56msList::Util::::first List::Util::first (xsub)
1525815.11ms5.44msPackage::Stash::XS::::namespace Package::Stash::XS::namespace (xsub)
1114.48ms13.5msDBI::::connect DBI::connect
1114.31ms24.0msC4::NewsChannels::::GetNewsToDisplay C4::NewsChannels::GetNewsToDisplay
1114.14ms10.8msC4::Context::::new C4::Context::new
764113.72ms3.72msXML::SAX::Expat::::_handle_char XML::SAX::Expat::_handle_char
2929293.30ms6.80msnamespace::clean::::import namespace::clean::import
2112.86ms12.2msC4::Languages::::getlanguage C4::Languages::getlanguage
33651592.55ms2.55msScalar::Util::::weaken Scalar::Util::weaken (xsub)
8442.43ms2.59msConfig::::FETCH Config::FETCH
166112.27ms2.27msDBI::::_new_sth DBI::_new_sth
238112.18ms2.18msXML::SAX::Expat::::_handle_end XML::SAX::Expat::_handle_end
5551.99ms3.04msXSLoader::::load XSLoader::load (recurses: max depth 1, inclusive time 162µs)
3221.95ms1.95msDBI::db::::do DBI::db::do (xsub)
293111.82ms2.88msDBD::_::st::::fetchrow_hashref DBD::_::st::fetchrow_hashref (xsub)
2221.81ms1.81msDynaLoader::::bootstrap DynaLoader::bootstrap
7081051.73ms1.73msDBI::common::::FETCH DBI::common::FETCH (xsub)
90221.68ms1.86msDBD::_::db::::prepare_cached DBD::_::db::prepare_cached
6969131.52ms1.52msconstant::::import constant::import
1711541.36ms1.36msScalar::Util::::reftype Scalar::Util::reftype (xsub)
458331.30ms1.30msmro::::get_linear_isa mro::get_linear_isa (xsub)
4431.30ms1.30msCGI::::AUTOLOAD CGI::AUTOLOAD
442641.17ms1.17msTry::Tiny::::catch Try::Tiny::catch
3261631.16ms1.16msDBI::common::::DESTROY DBI::common::DESTROY (xsub)
12671181.10ms1.10msScalar::Util::::blessed Scalar::Util::blessed (xsub)
41573993µs993µsDBI::common::::STORE DBI::common::STORE (xsub)
221958µs1.88msModule::Runtime::::require_module Module::Runtime::require_module
9022831µs2.69msDBI::db::::prepare_cached DBI::db::prepare_cached (xsub)
17632774µs774µsDBI::st::::fetchrow_array DBI::st::fetchrow_array (xsub)
1011767µs797µsEncode::::decode Encode::decode
91174756µs756µsFile::Spec::Unix::::canonpath File::Spec::Unix::canonpath (xsub)
257106751µs751µsUNIVERSAL::::isa UNIVERSAL::isa (xsub)
174174174731µs731µsutf8::::import utf8::import
484837687µs687µswarnings::::unimport warnings::unimport
777643µs643µsModern::Perl::::import Modern::Perl::import
131312640µs640µsvars::::import vars::import
51822613µs613µsFile::Spec::Unix::::splitdir File::Spec::Unix::splitdir
2544553µs553µsCGI::Util::::rearrange CGI::Util::rearrange
29422474µs474µsDBI::st::::fetch DBI::st::fetch (xsub)
999368µs368µsoverload::::import overload::import
52011340µs340µsFile::Spec::Unix::::curdir File::Spec::Unix::curdir
111336µs336µsC4::Languages::::regex_lang_subtags C4::Languages::regex_lang_subtags
11441327µs327µsPackage::Stash::XS::::name Package::Stash::XS::name (xsub)
8711327µs327µsDBI::st::::bind_param DBI::st::bind_param (xsub)
29311311µs311µsDBI::st::::mysql_async_ready DBI::st::mysql_async_ready (xsub)
872276µs276µsCGI::::param CGI::param
23831266µs266µsDBI::common::::func DBI::common::func (xsub)
211264µs264µsYAML::Syck::::Load YAML::Syck::Load
111208µs208µsClass::Accessor::::mk_accessors Class::Accessor::mk_accessors
7932203µs1.20msDBI::st::::fetchrow_hashref DBI::st::fetchrow_hashref (xsub)
111203µs218µsC4::Context::::set_userenv C4::Context::set_userenv
555178µs178µsCGI::::import CGI::import
111172µs1.01msC4::Members::::GetMember C4::Members::GetMember
11105172µs1.10msC4::Context::::dbh C4::Context::dbh
9033164µs164µsDBI::st::::finish DBI::st::finish (xsub)
211161µs523µsDBD::_::st::::bind_columns DBD::_::st::bind_columns
111153µs153µsXML::LibXML::::import XML::LibXML::import
1675150µs150µsversion::vxs::::_VERSION version::vxs::_VERSION (xsub)
211136µs136µsYAML::Syck::::Dump YAML::Syck::Dump
163163131µs131µsDBD::_mem::common::::DESTROY DBD::_mem::common::DESTROY (xsub)
3643129µs149µsFile::Spec::Unix::::catdir File::Spec::Unix::catdir (xsub)
3211128µs128µsXML::SAX::Expat::::_handle_comment XML::SAX::Expat::_handle_comment
111123µs651µsDBD::_::st::::fetchall_arrayref DBD::_::st::fetchall_arrayref
999110µs110µsList::Util::::import List::Util::import
4821109µs109µsCGI::Util::::unescape CGI::Util::unescape
1022105µs178µsFile::Spec::Unix::::catfile File::Spec::Unix::catfile (xsub)
111103µs103µsSub::Exporter::Progressive::::import Sub::Exporter::Progressive::import
55196µs96µsDBD::_::common::::install_method DBD::_::common::install_method
41182µs82µsIO::Handle::::read IO::Handle::read
11164µs64µsFile::pushd::::DESTROY File::pushd::DESTROY
162162µs62µsCGI::Util::::escape CGI::Util::escape
121162µs62µsDateTime::::__ANON__ DateTime::__ANON__
206459µs59µsC4::Context::::userenv C4::Context::userenv
11158µs0sDateTime::TimeZone::::new DateTime::TimeZone::new (recurses: max depth 1, inclusive time 58µs)
88357µs57µsC4::Context::::config C4::Context::config
21156µs56µsFile::Basename::::basename File::Basename::basename
31156µs56µsExporter::::export_to_level Exporter::export_to_level
44454µs54µsConfig::::import Config::import
121151µs51µsTie::Hash::NamedCapture::::FETCH Tie::Hash::NamedCapture::FETCH (xsub)
201146µs46µsEncode::Encoding::::renewed Encode::Encoding::renewed
11144µs44µsFile::pushd::::pushd File::pushd::pushd
33343µs43µsModule::Runtime::::import Module::Runtime::import
11142µs42µsDBI::::_new_drh DBI::_new_drh
11142µs42µsPOSIX::::import POSIX::import
21142µs42µsDateTime::::_stringify DateTime::_stringify
22241µs41µsSelectSaver::::DESTROY SelectSaver::DESTROY
691141µs41µsDBD::_::st::::bind_col DBD::_::st::bind_col (xsub)
88540µs308µsDBI::db::::prepare DBI::db::prepare (xsub)
101140µs40µsFile::Spec::Unix::::file_name_is_absolute File::Spec::Unix::file_name_is_absolute
12121240µs40µsC4::Context::::import C4::Context::import
11138µs38µsCGI::Util::::expires CGI::Util::expires
11138µs38µsPlack::Component::::to_app_auto Plack::Component::to_app_auto
245437µs37µsDBI::st::::fetchrow DBI::st::fetchrow (xsub)
11136µs36µsModule::Runtime::::use_package_optimistically Module::Runtime::use_package_optimistically
135535µs35µsCGI::::self_or_default CGI::self_or_default
32135µs35µsModule::Runtime::::module_notional_filename Module::Runtime::module_notional_filename
21135µs35µsXML::Parser::Expat::::DESTROY XML::Parser::Expat::DESTROY
66632µs32µsmro::::import mro::import
11130µs30µsparent::::import parent::import
44328µs28µsClass::Accessor::::import Class::Accessor::import
22227µs27µsModule::Runtime::::use_module Module::Runtime::use_module
11126µs26µsDBI::::_new_dbh DBI::_new_dbh
101124µs24µsEncode::::is_utf8 Encode::is_utf8 (xsub)
22222µs22µsSub::Exporter::Progressive::::__ANON__ Sub::Exporter::Progressive::__ANON__
22121µs21µsC4::Templates::::theme C4::Templates::theme
21119µs19µsList::MoreUtils::::uniq List::MoreUtils::uniq (xsub)
11115µs1.19msDBI::db::::get_info DBI::db::get_info (xsub)
11114µs14µsCGI::::initialize_globals CGI::initialize_globals
52214µs14µsmro::::set_mro mro::set_mro (xsub)
22112µs12µsC4::Templates::::interface C4::Templates::interface
22111µs11µsC4::Templates::::filename C4::Templates::filename
11110µs10µsFile::Spec::Unix::::splitpath File::Spec::Unix::splitpath
3319µs9µsC4::Context::::set_shelves_userenv C4::Context::set_shelves_userenv
1119µs9µsif::::import if::import
3319µs9µsC4::Templates::::lang C4::Templates::lang
1118µs8µsClass::Accessor::::new Class::Accessor::new
3118µs8µsoverload::::AddrRef overload::AddrRef
1117µs7µsbytes::::import bytes::import
1117µs7µsC4::Context::::interface C4::Context::interface
1117µs7µsCGI::::self_or_CGI CGI::self_or_CGI
1116µs6µsCGI::::charset CGI::charset
2216µs6µsC4::Templates::::preferredtheme C4::Templates::preferredtheme
1116µs6µsKoha::Database::::schema Koha::Database::schema
1115µs35µsDBI::st::::bind_columns DBI::st::bind_columns (xsub)
1114µs4µsC4::Context::::_new_userenv C4::Context::_new_userenv
1114µs4µsC4::Templates::::htdocs C4::Templates::htdocs
1113µs3µsC4::Templates::::activethemes C4::Templates::activethemes
1112µs2µsKoha::::version Koha::version
1112µs2µsInternals::::SvREADONLY Internals::SvREADONLY (xsub)
2222µs2µsScalar::Util::::refaddr Scalar::Util::refaddr (xsub)
0000s0sPlack::Component::::__ANON__[:3] Plack::Component::__ANON__[:3]
0000s0sPlack::Component::::__ANON__[:72] Plack::Component::__ANON__[:72]
0000s0sPlack::Component::::__ANON__[:74] Plack::Component::__ANON__[:74]
Call graph for these subroutines as a Graphviz dot language file.
Line State
on line
Calls Time
in subs
1package Plack::Component;
2sub {
3 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print STDERR $_mt->_error(shift, 4, $_from) };
4 Text::MicroTemplate::encoded_string((
5 sub { my $_MT = ''; local $Plack::Component::_MTREF = \$_MT; my $_MT_T = '';my $stash = $_[0];
- -
11$_MT .="\<script\ type\=\"text\/javascript\"\ charset\=\"utf\-8\"\>\n\ \ \ \ \/\/\ When\ jQuery\ is\ sourced\,\ it\'s\ going\ to\ overwrite\ whatever\ might\ be\ in\ the\n\ \ \ \ \/\/\ \'\$\'\ variable\,\ so\ store\ a\ reference\ of\ it\ in\ a\ temporary\ variable\.\.\.\n\ \ \ \ var\ _\$\ \=\ window\.\$\;\n\ \ \ \ if\ \(typeof\ jQuery\ \=\=\ \'undefined\'\)\ \{\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ var\ jquery_url\ \=\ \'";$_MT_T = $stash->{BASE_URL} ;$_MT .= ref $_MT_T eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString' ? $$_MT_T : do{ $_MT_T =~ s/([&><"'])/$Text::MicroTemplate::_escape_table{$1}/ge; $_MT_T; } ; $_MT_T = '';
- -
15$_MT .="\/debug_toolbar\/jquery\.js\'\;\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ document\.write\(unescape\(\'\%3Cscript\ src\=\"\'\ \+\ jquery_url\ \+\ \'\"\ type\=\"text\/javascript\"\%3E\%3C\/script\%3E\'\)\)\;\n\ \ \ \ \}\n\<\/script\>\n\<script\ type\=\"text\/javascript\"\ src\=\"";$_MT_T = $stash->{BASE_URL} ;$_MT .= ref $_MT_T eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString' ? $$_MT_T : do{ $_MT_T =~ s/([&><"'])/$Text::MicroTemplate::_escape_table{$1}/ge; $_MT_T; } ; $_MT_T = '';
- -
21$_MT .="\/debug_toolbar\/toolbar\.min\.js\"\>\<\/script\>\n\<script\ type\=\"text\/javascript\"\ charset\=\"utf\-8\"\>\n\ \ \ \ \/\/\ Now\ that\ jQuery\ is\ done\ loading\,\ put\ the\ \'\$\'\ variable\ back\ to\ what\ it\ was\.\.\.\n\ \ \ \ var\ \$\ \=\ _\$\;\n\<\/script\>\n\<style\ type\=\"text\/css\"\>\n\ \ \ \ \@import\ url\(";$_MT_T = $stash->{BASE_URL} ;$_MT .= ref $_MT_T eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString' ? $$_MT_T : do{ $_MT_T =~ s/([&><"'])/$Text::MicroTemplate::_escape_table{$1}/ge; $_MT_T; } ; $_MT_T = '';
- -
25$_MT .="\/debug_toolbar\/toolbar\.min\.css\)\;\n\<\/style\>\n\<div\ id\=\"plDebug\"\>\n\ \ \ \ \<div\ style\=\"display\:none\;\"\ id\=\"plDebugToolbar\"\>\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<ul\ id\=\"plDebugPanelList\"\>\n";
26if ($stash->{panels}) {
27;$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<li\>\<a\ id\=\"plHideToolBarButton\"\ href\=\"\#\"\ title\=\"Hide\ Toolbar\"\>Hide\ \&raquo\;\<\/a\>\<\/li\>\n";
28} else {
29;$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<li\ id\=\"plDebugButton\"\>DEBUG\<\/li\>\n";
31for my $panel (reverse @{$stash->{panels}}) {
32;$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<li\>\n";
33if ($panel->content) {
34;$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<a\ href\=\"";$_MT_T = $panel->url ;$_MT .= ref $_MT_T eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString' ? $$_MT_T : do{ $_MT_T =~ s/([&><"'])/$Text::MicroTemplate::_escape_table{$1}/ge; $_MT_T; } ; $_MT_T = '';$_MT .="\"\ title\=\"";$_MT_T = $panel->title ;$_MT .= ref $_MT_T eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString' ? $$_MT_T : do{ $_MT_T =~ s/([&><"'])/$Text::MicroTemplate::_escape_table{$1}/ge; $_MT_T; } ; $_MT_T = '';$_MT .="\"\ class\=\"";$_MT_T = $panel->dom_id ;$_MT .= ref $_MT_T eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString' ? $$_MT_T : do{ $_MT_T =~ s/([&><"'])/$Text::MicroTemplate::_escape_table{$1}/ge; $_MT_T; } ; $_MT_T = '';$_MT .="\"\>\n";
35} else {
36;$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<div\ class\=\"contentless\"\>\n";
38;$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ";$_MT_T = $panel->nav_title ;$_MT .= ref $_MT_T eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString' ? $$_MT_T : do{ $_MT_T =~ s/([&><"'])/$Text::MicroTemplate::_escape_table{$1}/ge; $_MT_T; } ; $_MT_T = '';$_MT .="\n";
39if ($panel->nav_subtitle) {
40;$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<br\>\<small\>";$_MT_T = $panel->nav_subtitle ;$_MT .= ref $_MT_T eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString' ? $$_MT_T : do{ $_MT_T =~ s/([&><"'])/$Text::MicroTemplate::_escape_table{$1}/ge; $_MT_T; } ; $_MT_T = '';$_MT .="\<\/small\>\n";
42if ($panel->content) {
43;$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<\/a\>\n";
44} else {
45;$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<\/div\>\n";
47;$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<\/li\>\n";
48} # end for
- -
53$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<\/ul\>\n\ \ \ \ \<\/div\>\n\ \ \ \ \<div\ style\=\"display\:none\;\"\ id\=\"plDebugToolbarHandle\"\>\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<a\ title\=\"Show\ Toolbar\"\ id\=\"plShowToolBarButton\"\ href\=\"\#\"\>\&laquo\;\<\/a\>\n\ \ \ \ \<\/div\>\n";
54for my $panel (reverse @{$stash->{panels}}) {
55if ($panel->content) {
56;$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<div\ id\=\"";$_MT_T = $panel->dom_id ;$_MT .= ref $_MT_T eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString' ? $$_MT_T : do{ $_MT_T =~ s/([&><"'])/$Text::MicroTemplate::_escape_table{$1}/ge; $_MT_T; } ; $_MT_T = '';
59$_MT .="\"\ class\=\"panelContent\"\>\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<div\ class\=\"plDebugPanelTitle\"\>\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<a\ href\=\"\"\ class\=\"plDebugClose\"\>Close\<\/a\>\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<h3\>";$_MT_T = $panel->title ;$_MT .= ref $_MT_T eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString' ? $$_MT_T : do{ $_MT_T =~ s/([&><"'])/$Text::MicroTemplate::_escape_table{$1}/ge; $_MT_T; } ; $_MT_T = '';
62$_MT .="\<\/h3\>\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<\/div\>\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<div\ class\=\"plDebugPanelContent\"\>\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<div\ class\=\"scroll\"\>\n";
63my $content = ref $panel->content eq 'CODE' ? $panel->content->() : $panel->content;
64$content = Encode::encode('latin1', $content, Encode::FB_XMLCREF);
65;$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ";$_MT_T = Text::MicroTemplate::encoded_string($content) ;$_MT .= ref $_MT_T eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString' ? $$_MT_T : do{ $_MT_T =~ s/([&><"'])/$Text::MicroTemplate::_escape_table{$1}/ge; $_MT_T; } ; $_MT_T = '';
68$_MT .="\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<\/div\>\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<\/div\>\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<\/div\>\n";
70} # end for
72$_MT .="\ \ \ \ \<div\ id\=\"plDebugWindow\"\ class\=\"panelContent\"\>\<\/div\>\n\<\/div\>\n";return $_MT; }
73 )->(@_));
# spent 41µs within DBD::_::st::bind_col which was called 69 times, avg 593ns/call: # 69 times (41µs+0s) by DBD::mysql::st::__ANON__[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.20/DBD/mysql.pm:810] at line 809 of DBD/mysql.pm, avg 593ns/call
sub DBD::_::st::bind_col; # xsub
# spent 2.88ms (1.82+1.06) within DBD::_::st::fetchrow_hashref which was called 293 times, avg 10µs/call: # 293 times (1.82ms+1.06ms) by DBD::mysql::st::__ANON__[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.20/DBD/mysql.pm:799] at line 798 of DBD/mysql.pm, avg 10µs/call
sub DBD::_::st::fetchrow_hashref; # xsub
# spent 131µs within DBD::_mem::common::DESTROY which was called 163 times, avg 805ns/call: # 50 times (36µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages at line 390 of C4/Languages.pm, avg 710ns/call # 21 times (18µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages at line 349 of C4/Languages.pm, avg 843ns/call # 21 times (17µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages at line 348 of C4/Languages.pm, avg 805ns/call # 21 times (16µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages at line 350 of C4/Languages.pm, avg 748ns/call # 21 times (13µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages at line 351 of C4/Languages.pm, avg 629ns/call # 19 times (15µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages at line 364 of C4/Languages.pm, avg 805ns/call # once (4µs+0s) by C4::Members::GetMember at line 224 of C4/Auth.pm # once (3µs+0s) by C4::NewsChannels::GetNewsToDisplay at line 50 of mainpage.pl # once (2µs+0s) by C4::Review::numberofreviews at line 65 of mainpage.pl # once (2µs+0s) by C4::Suggestions::CountSuggestion at line 67 of mainpage.pl # once (2µs+0s) by C4::Auth::get_user_subpermissions at line 1881 of C4/Auth.pm # once (1µs+0s) by C4::Auth::get_all_subpermissions at line 253 of C4/Auth.pm # once (1µs+0s) by C4::Tags::get_count_by_tag_status at line 66 of mainpage.pl # once (1µs+0s) by Koha::Borrower::Modifications::GetPendingModificationsCount at line 68 of mainpage.pl # once (800ns+0s) by C4::Auth::getuserflags at line 1976 of C4/Auth.pm # once (600ns+0s) by C4::Auth::haspermission at line 890 of C4/Auth.pm
sub DBD::_mem::common::DESTROY; # xsub
# spent 1.16ms within DBI::common::DESTROY which was called 326 times, avg 4µs/call: # 100 times (117µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages at line 390 of C4/Languages.pm, avg 1µs/call # 42 times (814µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages at line 351 of C4/Languages.pm, avg 19µs/call # 42 times (50µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages at line 348 of C4/Languages.pm, avg 1µs/call # 42 times (47µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages at line 350 of C4/Languages.pm, avg 1µs/call # 42 times (45µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages at line 349 of C4/Languages.pm, avg 1µs/call # 38 times (44µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages at line 364 of C4/Languages.pm, avg 1µs/call # 2 times (7µs+0s) by C4::NewsChannels::GetNewsToDisplay at line 50 of mainpage.pl, avg 4µs/call # 2 times (6µs+0s) by C4::Members::GetMember at line 224 of C4/Auth.pm, avg 3µs/call # 2 times (5µs+0s) by C4::Suggestions::CountSuggestion at line 67 of mainpage.pl, avg 3µs/call # 2 times (5µs+0s) by C4::Review::numberofreviews at line 65 of mainpage.pl, avg 2µs/call # 2 times (4µs+0s) by C4::Auth::get_user_subpermissions at line 1881 of C4/Auth.pm, avg 2µs/call # 2 times (4µs+0s) by Koha::Borrower::Modifications::GetPendingModificationsCount at line 68 of mainpage.pl, avg 2µs/call # 2 times (3µs+0s) by C4::Tags::get_count_by_tag_status at line 66 of mainpage.pl, avg 2µs/call # 2 times (3µs+0s) by C4::Auth::haspermission at line 890 of C4/Auth.pm, avg 1µs/call # 2 times (3µs+0s) by C4::Auth::get_all_subpermissions at line 253 of C4/Auth.pm, avg 1µs/call # 2 times (2µs+0s) by C4::Auth::getuserflags at line 1976 of C4/Auth.pm, avg 900ns/call
sub DBI::common::DESTROY; # xsub
# spent 1.73ms within DBI::common::FETCH which was called 708 times, avg 2µs/call: # 293 times (590µs+0s) by DBD::_::st::fetchrow_hashref at line 798 of DBD/mysql.pm, avg 2µs/call # 203 times (846µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_seems_connected at line 937 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 4µs/call # 203 times (253µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::connected at line 929 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 1µs/call # 2 times (8µs+0s) by CGI::Session::Driver::DBI::DESTROY at line 141 of CGI/Session/Driver/DBI.pm, avg 4µs/call # 2 times (5µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_determine_driver at line 1255 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 3µs/call # once (10µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql::_run_connection_actions at line 94 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/mysql.pm # once (6µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor::next at line 127 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Cursor.pm # once (4µs+0s) by Try::Tiny::try at line 1492 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm # once (4µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_connect at line 1531 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm # once (2µs+0s) by Try::Tiny::try at line 252 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Cursor.pm
sub DBI::common::FETCH; # xsub
# spent 993µs within DBI::common::STORE which was called 415 times, avg 2µs/call: # 203 times (521µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::connected at line 945 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 3µs/call # 203 times (433µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::connected at line 929 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 2µs/call # 3 times (19µs+0s) by DBI::connect at line 723 of DBI.pm, avg 6µs/call # 3 times (5µs+0s) by DBI::connect at line 726 of DBI.pm, avg 2µs/call # once (7µs+0s) by C4::Context::preference at line 91 of Koha/Database.pm # once (5µs+0s) by DBI::connect at line 742 of DBI.pm # once (3µs+0s) by C4::Context::preference at line 95 of Koha/Database.pm
sub DBI::common::STORE; # xsub
# spent 266µs within DBI::common::func which was called 238 times, avg 1µs/call: # 166 times (215µs+0s) by DBD::mysql::db::prepare at line 232 of DBD/mysql.pm, avg 1µs/call # 71 times (46µs+0s) by DBD::mysql::st::__ANON__[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.20/DBD/mysql.pm:810] at line 808 of DBD/mysql.pm, avg 652ns/call # once (5µs+0s) by DBD::mysql::db::get_info at line 759 of DBD/mysql.pm
sub DBI::common::func; # xsub
# spent 1.95ms within DBI::db::do which was called 3 times, avg 650µs/call: # 2 times (1.82ms+0s) by CGI::Session::Driver::mysql::store at line 50 of CGI/Session/Driver/mysql.pm, avg 909µs/call # once (131µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::__ANON__[/usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm:1440] at line 1438 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm
sub DBI::db::do; # xsub
# spent 1.19ms (15µs+1.18) within DBI::db::get_info which was called: # once (15µs+1.18ms) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_get_info at line 1170 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm
sub DBI::db::get_info; # xsub
# spent 5.85ms within DBI::db::ping which was called 205 times, avg 29µs/call: # 203 times (5.80ms+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_ping at line 941 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 29µs/call # 2 times (51µs+0s) by CGI::Session::Driver::DBI::DESTROY at line 136 of CGI/Session/Driver/DBI.pm, avg 26µs/call
sub DBI::db::ping; # xsub
# spent 308µs (40+268) within DBI::db::prepare which was called 8 times, avg 39µs/call: # once (7µs+45µs) by C4::Suggestions::CountSuggestion at line 417 of C4/Suggestions.pm # once (5µs+47µs) by C4::Review::numberofreviews at line 123 of C4/Review.pm # once (6µs+44µs) by C4::Auth::haspermission at line 1973 of C4/Auth.pm # once (5µs+30µs) by C4::Auth::get_all_subpermissions at line 1948 of C4/Auth.pm # once (4µs+26µs) by Koha::Borrower::Modifications::GetPendingModificationsCount at line 122 of Koha/Borrower/Modifications.pm # once (4µs+26µs) by C4::Tags::get_count_by_tag_status at line 120 of C4/Tags.pm # once (4µs+25µs) by C4::Auth::getuserflags at line 1868 of C4/Auth.pm # once (4µs+25µs) by C4::Auth::get_user_subpermissions at line 1919 of C4/Auth.pm
sub DBI::db::prepare; # xsub
# spent 2.69ms (831µs+1.86) within DBI::db::prepare_cached which was called 90 times, avg 30µs/call: # 88 times (816µs+1.78ms) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_prepare_sth at line 1846 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 29µs/call # 2 times (15µs+83µs) by CGI::Session::Driver::DBI::retrieve at line 68 of CGI/Session/Driver/DBI.pm, avg 49µs/call
sub DBI::db::prepare_cached; # xsub
# spent 35µs (5+30) within DBI::st::bind_columns which was called: # once (5µs+30µs) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor::next at line 128 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Cursor.pm
sub DBI::st::bind_columns; # xsub
# spent 327µs within DBI::st::bind_param which was called 87 times, avg 4µs/call: # 87 times (327µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_bind_sth_params at line 1887 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 4µs/call
sub DBI::st::bind_param; # xsub
# spent 8.59ms within DBI::st::execute which was called 98 times, avg 88µs/call: # 88 times (7.94ms+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute at line 1832 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 90µs/call # 2 times (295µs+0s) by CGI::Session::Driver::DBI::retrieve at line 72 of CGI/Session/Driver/DBI.pm, avg 148µs/call # once (62µs+0s) by C4::Auth::get_all_subpermissions at line 1951 of C4/Auth.pm # once (55µs+0s) by C4::Review::numberofreviews at line 124 of C4/Review.pm # once (49µs+0s) by C4::Suggestions::CountSuggestion at line 418 of C4/Suggestions.pm # once (44µs+0s) by C4::Auth::getuserflags at line 1869 of C4/Auth.pm # once (40µs+0s) by C4::Auth::get_user_subpermissions at line 1925 of C4/Auth.pm # once (38µs+0s) by C4::Auth::haspermission at line 1974 of C4/Auth.pm # once (36µs+0s) by C4::Tags::get_count_by_tag_status at line 121 of C4/Tags.pm # once (36µs+0s) by Koha::Borrower::Modifications::GetPendingModificationsCount at line 123 of Koha/Borrower/Modifications.pm
sub DBI::st::execute; # xsub
# spent 474µs within DBI::st::fetch which was called 294 times, avg 2µs/call: # 293 times (471µs+0s) by DBD::_::st::fetchrow_hashref at line 798 of DBD/mysql.pm, avg 2µs/call # once (3µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor::next at line 137 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Cursor.pm
sub DBI::st::fetch; # xsub
# spent 37µs within DBI::st::fetchrow which was called 24 times, avg 2µs/call: # 20 times (22µs+0s) by C4::Auth::getuserflags at line 1871 of C4/Auth.pm, avg 1µs/call # once (4µs+0s) by C4::Review::numberofreviews at line 125 of C4/Review.pm # once (4µs+0s) by C4::Auth::haspermission at line 1975 of C4/Auth.pm # once (3µs+0s) by C4::Suggestions::CountSuggestion at line 420 of C4/Suggestions.pm # once (3µs+0s) by C4::Tags::get_count_by_tag_status at line 122 of C4/Tags.pm
sub DBI::st::fetchrow; # xsub
# spent 774µs within DBI::st::fetchrow_array which was called 176 times, avg 4µs/call: # 87 times (514µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::select_single at line 2565 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 6µs/call # 87 times (250µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::select_single at line 2566 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 3µs/call # 2 times (10µs+0s) by CGI::Session::Driver::DBI::retrieve at line 74 of CGI/Session/Driver/DBI.pm, avg 5µs/call
sub DBI::st::fetchrow_array; # xsub
# spent 1.20ms (203µs+993µs) within DBI::st::fetchrow_hashref which was called 79 times, avg 15µs/call: # 77 times (191µs+933µs) by C4::Auth::get_all_subpermissions at line 1954 of C4/Auth.pm, avg 15µs/call # once (6µs+31µs) by C4::Auth::get_user_subpermissions at line 1928 of C4/Auth.pm # once (6µs+29µs) by Koha::Borrower::Modifications::GetPendingModificationsCount at line 124 of Koha/Borrower/Modifications.pm
sub DBI::st::fetchrow_hashref; # xsub
# spent 164µs within DBI::st::finish which was called 90 times, avg 2µs/call: # 87 times (156µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::select_single at line 2571 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 2µs/call # 2 times (4µs+0s) by CGI::Session::Driver::DBI::retrieve at line 76 of CGI/Session/Driver/DBI.pm, avg 2µs/call # once (3µs+0s) by Try::Tiny::try at line 251 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Cursor.pm
sub DBI::st::finish; # xsub
# spent 311µs within DBI::st::mysql_async_ready which was called 293 times, avg 1µs/call: # 293 times (311µs+0s) by DBD::mysql::st::__ANON__[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.20/DBD/mysql.pm:799] at line 795 of DBD/mysql.pm, avg 1µs/call
sub DBI::st::mysql_async_ready; # xsub
# spent 24µs within Encode::is_utf8 which was called 10 times, avg 2µs/call: # 10 times (24µs+0s) by Template::Provider::_decode_unicode at line 1092 of Template/Provider.pm, avg 2µs/call
sub Encode::is_utf8; # xsub
# spent 756µs within File::Spec::Unix::canonpath which was called 911 times, avg 830ns/call: # 517 times (439µs+0s) by File::Spec::Unix::abs2rel at line 266 of File/Spec/Unix.pm, avg 850ns/call # 174 times (159µs+0s) by File::Spec::Unix::abs2rel at line 225 of File/Spec/Unix.pm, avg 914ns/call # 174 times (123µs+0s) by File::Spec::Unix::abs2rel at line 226 of File/Spec/Unix.pm, avg 709ns/call # 24 times (11µs+0s) by File::Spec::Unix::catdir at line 190 of Module/Find.pm, avg 471ns/call # 18 times (19µs+0s) by File::Spec::Unix::catdir or File::Spec::Unix::catfile at line 525 of Template/Provider.pm, avg 1µs/call # 2 times (2µs+0s) by File::Spec::Unix::catdir at line 183 of Module/Find.pm, avg 1µs/call # 2 times (2µs+0s) by File::Spec::Unix::catdir or File::Spec::Unix::catfile at line 26 of DateTime/TimeZone/Local/Unix.pm, avg 1µs/call
sub File::Spec::Unix::canonpath; # xsub
# spent 149µs (129+20) within File::Spec::Unix::catdir which was called 36 times, avg 4µs/call: # 24 times (58µs+11µs) by Module::Find::_find at line 190 of Module/Find.pm, avg 3µs/call # 9 times (46µs+6µs) by File::Spec::Unix::catfile at line 525 of Template/Provider.pm, avg 6µs/call # 2 times (19µs+2µs) by Module::Find::_find at line 183 of Module/Find.pm, avg 11µs/call # once (6µs+500ns) by File::Spec::Unix::catfile at line 26 of DateTime/TimeZone/Local/Unix.pm
sub File::Spec::Unix::catdir; # xsub
# spent 178µs (105+73) within File::Spec::Unix::catfile which was called 10 times, avg 18µs/call: # 9 times (92µs+64µs) by Template::Provider::_fetch_path at line 525 of Template/Provider.pm, avg 17µs/call # once (13µs+8µs) by DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix::_EtcFile at line 26 of DateTime/TimeZone/Local/Unix.pm
sub File::Spec::Unix::catfile; # xsub
# spent 2µs within Internals::SvREADONLY which was called: # once (2µs+0s) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 1848 of DBIx/Class/ResultSource.pm
sub Internals::SvREADONLY; # xsub
# spent 19µs within List::MoreUtils::uniq which was called 2 times, avg 10µs/call: # 2 times (19µs+0s) by C4::Templates::themelanguage at line 258 of C4/Templates.pm, avg 10µs/call
sub List::MoreUtils::uniq; # xsub
# spent 6.56ms (5.50+1.06) within List::Util::first which was called 873 times, avg 8µs/call: # 325 times (1.90ms+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSource::columns_info at line 472 of DBIx/Class/ResultSource.pm, avg 6µs/call # 90 times (230µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSet::_resolved_attrs at line 3524 of DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm, avg 3µs/call # 90 times (153µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSet::search_rs at line 467 of DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm, avg 2µs/call # 88 times (1.45ms+543µs) by SQL::Abstract::_where_hashpair_HASHREF at line 887 of SQL/Abstract.pm, avg 23µs/call # 88 times (216µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_gen_sql_bind at line 1655 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 2µs/call # 88 times (181µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSet::search_rs at line 491 of DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm, avg 2µs/call # 87 times (1.33ms+518µs) by SQL::Abstract::_where_unary_op at line 637 of SQL/Abstract.pm, avg 21µs/call # 16 times (38µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Componentised::inject_base at line 203 of Class/C3/Componentised.pm, avg 2µs/call # once (2µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn::new at line 59 of DBIx/Class/ResultSetColumn.pm
sub List::Util::first; # xsub
# spent 327µs within Package::Stash::XS::name which was called 114 times, avg 3µs/call: # 29 times (33µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::namespace at line 381 of namespace/clean.pm, avg 1µs/call # 29 times (15µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::namespace at line 363 of namespace/clean.pm, avg 528ns/call # 28 times (264µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::namespace at line 213 of namespace/clean.pm, avg 9µs/call # 28 times (15µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::namespace at line 308 of namespace/clean.pm, avg 525ns/call
sub Package::Stash::XS::name; # xsub
# spent 5.44ms (5.11+327µs) within Package::Stash::XS::namespace which was called 1525 times, avg 4µs/call: # 704 times (521µs+0s) by B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS::__ANON__ at line 237 of namespace/clean.pm, avg 740ns/call # 205 times (3.05ms+33µs) by namespace::clean::import at line 381 of namespace/clean.pm, avg 15µs/call # 176 times (1.12ms+264µs) by B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS::__ANON__ at line 213 of namespace/clean.pm, avg 8µs/call # 176 times (170µs+15µs) by namespace::clean::import at line 308 of namespace/clean.pm, avg 1µs/call # 176 times (101µs+0s) by B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS::__ANON__ at line 241 of namespace/clean.pm, avg 575ns/call # 58 times (132µs+15µs) by namespace::clean::import at line 363 of namespace/clean.pm, avg 3µs/call # 29 times (16µs+0s) by namespace::clean::import at line 365 of namespace/clean.pm, avg 569ns/call # once (500ns+0s) by B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS::__ANON__ at line 250 of namespace/clean.pm
sub Package::Stash::XS::namespace; # xsub
# spent 1.10ms within Scalar::Util::blessed which was called 1267 times, avg 864ns/call: # 531 times (373µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::AccessorGroup::get_component_class at line 16 of DBIx/Class/AccessorGroup.pm, avg 702ns/call # 350 times (157µs+0s) by SQL::Abstract::_refkind at line 1474 of SQL/Abstract.pm, avg 449ns/call # 174 times (398µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy::Table::table at line 84 of DBIx/Class/ResultSourceProxy/Table.pm, avg 2µs/call # 88 times (47µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_gen_sql_bind at line 1643 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 537ns/call # 87 times (60µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBIHacks::_resolve_ident_sources at line 683 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBIHacks.pm, avg 692ns/call # 11 times (13µs+0s) by Template::Context::template at line 87 of Template/Context.pm, avg 1µs/call # 10 times (26µs+0s) by Template::Context::process at line 331 of Template/Context.pm, avg 3µs/call # 10 times (17µs+0s) by Template::Context::process at line 373 of Template/Context.pm, avg 2µs/call # 4 times (4µs+0s) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_generate_call_code at line 459 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm, avg 900ns/call # once (900ns+0s) by Template::Iterator::new at line 55 of Template/Iterator.pm # once (700ns+0s) by Template::Context::process at line 339 of Template/Context.pm
sub Scalar::Util::blessed; # xsub
# spent 2µs within Scalar::Util::refaddr which was called 2 times, avg 950ns/call: # once (1µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_arm_global_destructor at line 221 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm # once (700ns+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor::new at line 70 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Cursor.pm
sub Scalar::Util::refaddr; # xsub
# spent 1.36ms within Scalar::Util::reftype which was called 1711 times, avg 796ns/call: # 1265 times (972µs+0s) by Class::Accessor::Grouped::get_inherited at line 364 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm, avg 769ns/call # 180 times (111µs+0s) by Class::Accessor::Grouped::set_inherited at line 410 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm, avg 616ns/call # 89 times (105µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::BlockRunner::new at line 82 of (eval 1109)[Sub/Quote.pm:5], avg 1µs/call # 89 times (84µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::BlockRunner::run at line 112 of DBIx/Class/Storage/BlockRunner.pm, avg 948ns/call # 88 times (90µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_select_args at line 2498 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 1µs/call
sub Scalar::Util::reftype; # xsub
# spent 2.55ms within Scalar::Util::weaken which was called 3365 times, avg 758ns/call: # 541 times (576µs+0s) by Sub::Defer::defer_sub at line 59 of Sub/Defer.pm, avg 1µs/call # 541 times (286µs+0s) by Sub::Defer::defer_sub at line 60 of Sub/Defer.pm, avg 528ns/call # 539 times (458µs+0s) by Sub::Quote::quote_sub at line 102 of Sub/Quote.pm, avg 849ns/call # 539 times (306µs+0s) by Sub::Quote::quote_sub at line 103 of Sub/Quote.pm, avg 568ns/call # 539 times (256µs+0s) by Sub::Quote::quote_sub at line 104 of Sub/Quote.pm, avg 476ns/call # 177 times (178µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::AccessorGroup::get_component_class at line 25 of DBIx/Class/AccessorGroup.pm, avg 1µs/call # 174 times (163µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Schema::_register_source at line 1357 of DBIx/Class/Schema.pm, avg 934ns/call # 90 times (63µs+0s) by Class::Accessor::Grouped::__ANON__[/usr/share/perl5/Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm:942] at line 916 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm, avg 696ns/call # 89 times (128µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::BlockRunner::_run at line 132 of DBIx/Class/Storage/BlockRunner.pm, avg 1µs/call # 89 times (64µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::BlockRunner::_run at line 133 of DBIx/Class/Storage/BlockRunner.pm, avg 722ns/call # 28 times (40µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSet::_result_class or DBIx::Class::ResultSet::result_source or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_columns or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_ordered_columns or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_primaries or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_relationships or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_unique_constraints or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::name or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::source_name or DBIx::Class::Row::in_storage or DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::name_sep or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor::storage or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_conn_pid or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_connect_info or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_autocommit or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_details or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbic_connect_attributes or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_driver_determined or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_sql_maker or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_sql_maker_opts or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::disable_sth_caching or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::on_connect_call or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::on_connect_do or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::unsafe or DBIx::Class::Storage::debug or DBIx::Class::Storage::schema or DBIx::Class::Storage::transaction_depth at line 906 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm, avg 1µs/call # 16 times (32µs+0s) by Sub::Quote::unquote_sub at line 163 of Sub/Quote.pm, avg 2µs/call # once (1µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::set_schema at line 75 of DBIx/Class/Storage.pm # once (700ns+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor::new at line 70 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Cursor.pm # once (700ns+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_arm_global_destructor at line 221 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm
sub Scalar::Util::weaken; # xsub
# spent 25.1ms within Sub::Name::subname which was called 4581 times, avg 5µs/call: # 3944 times (21.3ms+0s) by Class::Accessor::Grouped::_mk_group_accessors at line 151 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm, avg 5µs/call # 547 times (2.25ms+0s) by Moo::_Utils::_name_coderef at line 96 of Moo/_Utils.pm, avg 4µs/call # 28 times (105µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSet::_result_class or DBIx::Class::ResultSet::result_source or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_columns or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_ordered_columns or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_primaries or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_relationships or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_unique_constraints or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::name or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::source_name or DBIx::Class::Row::in_storage or DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::name_sep or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor::storage or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_conn_pid or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_connect_info or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_autocommit or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_details or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbic_connect_attributes or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_driver_determined or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_sql_maker or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_sql_maker_opts or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::disable_sth_caching or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::on_connect_call or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::on_connect_do or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::unsafe or DBIx::Class::Storage::debug or DBIx::Class::Storage::schema or DBIx::Class::Storage::transaction_depth at line 898 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm, avg 4µs/call # 12 times (1.29ms+0s) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::ManyToMany::many_to_many at line 127 of DBIx/Class/Relationship/ManyToMany.pm, avg 108µs/call # 12 times (64µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::ManyToMany::many_to_many at line 70 of DBIx/Class/Relationship/ManyToMany.pm, avg 5µs/call # 12 times (53µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::ManyToMany::many_to_many at line 146 of DBIx/Class/Relationship/ManyToMany.pm, avg 4µs/call # 12 times (51µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::ManyToMany::many_to_many at line 109 of DBIx/Class/Relationship/ManyToMany.pm, avg 4µs/call # 12 times (48µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::ManyToMany::many_to_many at line 78 of DBIx/Class/Relationship/ManyToMany.pm, avg 4µs/call # once (6µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::BEGIN@67 at line 75 of DBIx/Class/SQLMaker.pm # once (4µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::BEGIN@67 at line 80 of DBIx/Class/SQLMaker.pm
sub Sub::Name::subname; # xsub
# spent 51µs within Tie::Hash::NamedCapture::FETCH which was called 12 times, avg 4µs/call: # 12 times (51µs+0s) by C4::NewsChannels::GetNewsToDisplay at line 133 of Koha/DateUtils.pm, avg 4µs/call
sub Tie::Hash::NamedCapture::FETCH; # xsub
# spent 15.2ms within UNIVERSAL::can which was called 2741 times, avg 6µs/call: # 1922 times (10.1ms+0s) by Class::Accessor::Grouped::_mk_group_accessors at line 91 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm, avg 5µs/call # 177 times (279µs+0s) by SQL::Abstract::_METHOD_FOR_refkind at line 1501 of SQL/Abstract.pm, avg 2µs/call # 174 times (2.55ms+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy::Table::table at line 91 of DBIx/Class/ResultSourceProxy/Table.pm, avg 15µs/call # 174 times (387µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy::Table::table at line 99 of DBIx/Class/ResultSourceProxy/Table.pm, avg 2µs/call # 87 times (618µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSet::_construct_results at line 1369 of DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm, avg 7µs/call # 56 times (246µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSet::_result_class or DBIx::Class::ResultSet::result_source or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_columns or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_ordered_columns or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_primaries or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_relationships or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_unique_constraints or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::name or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::source_name or DBIx::Class::Row::in_storage or DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::name_sep or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor::storage or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_conn_pid or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_connect_info or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_autocommit or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_details or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbic_connect_attributes or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_driver_determined or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_sql_maker or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_sql_maker_opts or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::disable_sth_caching or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::on_connect_call or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::on_connect_do or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::unsafe or DBIx::Class::Storage::debug or DBIx::Class::Storage::schema or DBIx::Class::Storage::transaction_depth at line 815 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm, avg 4µs/call # 48 times (692µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Relationship::ManyToMany::many_to_many at line 39 of DBIx/Class/Relationship/ManyToMany.pm, avg 14µs/call # 28 times (45µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSet::_result_class or DBIx::Class::ResultSet::result_source or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_columns or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_ordered_columns or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_primaries or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_relationships or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_unique_constraints or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::name or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::source_name or DBIx::Class::Row::in_storage or DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::name_sep or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor::storage or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_conn_pid or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_connect_info or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_autocommit or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_details or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbic_connect_attributes or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_driver_determined or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_sql_maker or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_sql_maker_opts or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::disable_sth_caching or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::on_connect_call or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::on_connect_do or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::unsafe or DBIx::Class::Storage::debug or DBIx::Class::Storage::schema or DBIx::Class::Storage::transaction_depth at line 860 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm, avg 2µs/call # 28 times (41µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSet::_result_class or DBIx::Class::ResultSet::result_source or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_columns or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_ordered_columns or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_primaries or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_relationships or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::_unique_constraints or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::name or DBIx::Class::ResultSource::source_name or DBIx::Class::Row::in_storage or DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::name_sep or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor::storage or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_conn_pid or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_connect_info or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_autocommit or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_details or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbic_connect_attributes or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_driver_determined or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_sql_maker or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_sql_maker_opts or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::disable_sth_caching or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::on_connect_call or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::on_connect_do or DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::unsafe or DBIx::Class::Storage::debug or DBIx::Class::Storage::schema or DBIx::Class::Storage::transaction_depth at line 837 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm, avg 1µs/call # 18 times (41µs+0s) by Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded at line 119 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm, avg 2µs/call # 4 times (10µs+0s) by Method::Generate::Accessor::_generate_xs at line 646 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm, avg 2µs/call # 2 times (12µs+0s) by CGI::Session::Serialize::yaml::freeze at line 18 of CGI/Session/Serialize/yaml.pm, avg 6µs/call # 2 times (11µs+0s) by Method::Generate::Constructor::generate_method at line 103 of Method/Generate/Constructor.pm, avg 6µs/call # 2 times (10µs+0s) by Moo::_constructor_maker_for at line 157 of Moo.pm, avg 5µs/call # 2 times (9µs+0s) by CGI::Session::Serialize::yaml::thaw at line 24 of CGI/Session/Serialize/yaml.pm, avg 5µs/call # 2 times (9µs+0s) by Method::Generate::Constructor::generate_method at line 94 of Method/Generate/Constructor.pm, avg 5µs/call # 2 times (6µs+0s) by Method::Generate::Constructor::generate_method at line 109 of Method/Generate/Constructor.pm, avg 3µs/call # 2 times (5µs+0s) by Method::Generate::Constructor::new or Moo::Object::new at line 13 of Moo/Object.pm, avg 3µs/call # 2 times (5µs+0s) by Method::Generate::Constructor::new or Moo::Object::new at line 22 of Moo/Object.pm, avg 2µs/call # 2 times (4µs+0s) by Moo::_constructor_maker_for at line 155 of Moo.pm, avg 2µs/call # 2 times (3µs+0s) by Moo::_accessor_maker_for at line 128 of Moo.pm, avg 1µs/call # once (8µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_determine_driver at line 1288 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm # once (6µs+0s) by attributes::import at line 59 of attributes.pm # once (4µs+0s) by Moo::__ANON__[/usr/share/perl5/Moo.pm:183] at line 179 of Moo.pm # once (2µs+0s) by base::import at line 780 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm # once (1µs+0s) by base::import at line 781 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm
sub UNIVERSAL::can; # xsub
# spent 751µs within UNIVERSAL::isa which was called 257 times, avg 3µs/call: # 179 times (608µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::ResultSet::new at line 310 of DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm, avg 3µs/call # 32 times (51µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Componentised::inject_base at line 38 of DBIx/Class/Componentised.pm, avg 2µs/call # 16 times (35µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Componentised::inject_base at line 201 of Class/C3/Componentised.pm, avg 2µs/call # 9 times (23µs+0s) by Template::Context::process at line 331 of Template/Context.pm, avg 3µs/call # 9 times (8µs+0s) by Template::Context::process at line 373 of Template/Context.pm, avg 867ns/call # 8 times (20µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Componentised::inject_base at line 20 of DBIx/Class/Componentised.pm, avg 3µs/call # once (2µs+0s) by Template::Context::template at line 87 of Template/Context.pm # once (1µs+0s) by C4::Output::output_with_http_headers at line 17 of (eval 1141)[CGI.pm:932] # once (1µs+0s) by Template::Document::__ANON__[/home/vagrant/kohaclone/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/intranet-main.tt:203] at line 192 of koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/intranet-main.tt # once (600ns+0s) by Template::Context::process at line 339 of Template/Context.pm
sub UNIVERSAL::isa; # xsub
# spent 1.30ms within mro::get_linear_isa which was called 458 times, avg 3µs/call: # 268 times (912µs+0s) by Class::Accessor::Grouped::get_super_paths at line 507 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm, avg 3µs/call # 174 times (370µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Schema::CORE:sort at line 244 of DBIx/Class/Schema.pm, avg 2µs/call # 16 times (22µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Componentised::inject_base at line 203 of Class/C3/Componentised.pm, avg 1µs/call
sub mro::get_linear_isa; # xsub
# spent 14µs within mro::set_mro which was called 5 times, avg 3µs/call: # 4 times (10µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Componentised::inject_base at line 194 of Class/C3/Componentised.pm, avg 3µs/call # once (4µs+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_determine_driver at line 1265 of DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm
sub mro::set_mro; # xsub
# spent 150µs within version::vxs::_VERSION which was called 16 times, avg 9µs/call: # 10 times (97µs+0s) by strictures::VERSION at line 22 of strictures.pm, avg 10µs/call # once (18µs+0s) by DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix::BEGIN@6 at line 6 of DateTime/TimeZone/Local/Unix.pm # once (13µs+0s) by JSON::BEGIN@2 at line 2 of (eval 166)[JSON.pm:252] # once (8µs+0s) by Class::Accessor::Grouped::BEGIN@31 at line 50 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm # once (6µs+0s) by Method::Generate::Accessor::BEGIN@11 at line 17 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm # once (4µs+0s) by Class::Accessor::Grouped::BEGIN@31 at line 51 of Class/Accessor/Grouped.pm # once (4µs+0s) by Method::Generate::Accessor::BEGIN@11 at line 21 of Method/Generate/Accessor.pm
sub version::vxs::_VERSION; # xsub